Attn : Individuals Suffering From Foot Drop & Balance Problems

If I offered to personally analyze your walking problems in real time & help you walk better again, in 21 days or less GUARANTEED, plus…

– Help you get over your worsening fear of falling...

– Help you to STOP WORRYING about how this walking problem will one day ruin your life…   

.... while doing it in a way where your friends and family won’t know what your secret is….

Would you take me up on that offer?

Whether you are brand new to this foot drop or balance issue issue, or feel like the medical community HAS NOT supported your efforts to truly walk better, or if you have ONLY used a WALKING CANE in the past, I CAN HELP YOU – (Or, you will be offered your money back)….

Attn : Individuals Suffering From Foot Drop & Balance Problems

If I offered to personally analyze your walking problems in real time & help you walk better again, in 21 days or less GUARANTEED, plus…

– Help you get over your worsening fear of falling...

– Help you to STOP WORRYING about how this walking problem will one day ruin your life…   

.... while doing it in a way where your friends and family won’t know what your secret is….

Would you take me up on that offer?

Whether you are brand new to this foot drop or balance issue issue, or feel like the medical community HAS NOT supported your efforts to truly walk better, or if you have ONLY used a WALKING CANE in the past, I CAN HELP YOU – (Or, you will be offered your money back)….

Click The Play Button Below If You Want Our Walking Expert, Dan, To Read You This Life Changing Story

Yes, This is The SAME Exact Walking Improvement & Fall

Prevention Information We've Used To Successfully Take

Fallers Off of Two Handed Walker & Canes!!!

Sure, that's all positive stuff, but what this program ultimately

does for you, is it will help give you, your life back!

Which is Priceless!

From Daniel Rinella

New Lenox, IL

Dear friend,

Hey, my name is Daniel Rinella, and I'm here today because I want to give you something that I call Walk With Confidence. A Walking Transformation Program"

This is my framework, our one on one walking evaluation and the course for how to change your walking and your life as a result!

No half measures to assist you with walking...

Drastically improve your balance and doing it in a way where your friend will not know what your secret is ...

But, before I give you access to the Walking Transformation Program, I want to tell you the backstory about how it was created …

This is not something that I just made up one day, and hoped that it would somehow work.

I spent over 19 years testing and perfecting this process for you.

This is what happened...

You see 19 years ago, I entered the hallowed halls of Northwestern Medical School, and I assumed that it would be a place where we came, opened up our books and started to learn very technical aspects of walking improvement.

I mean we learned everything about walking.

We watched people who presented with different kinds of walking problems.

We figured out exactly what the problem was that was holding someone back and we designed treatment plans to help them.

We did not just give someone a walking cane and then banish them to suffer from the inevitable future falls they would encounter....

No wonder we have a falling crisis on our hands as a society!

Walking canes are only a half measure...

In other words, as you can tell, we learned a ton very early on when it came to walking.

We would also learn a lot of big medical words that made us sound sophisticated, but the average person without this education would get lost.

The problem here was,...

... these were the very same people I went to school to help in the first place! Meaning, not everyone learns when the big medical words are thrown around...

But what happened next, completely confused me.

After I finished my program I began to see patients in real life and

I watched in 'awe' as people came in with walking canes and a limp and then they would leave with a more

normal walking pattern and a new lease on life!

People would come in with layers of frustration, buried by the day to day struggle with their walking problems.

Many with a cane or walker would sometimes have their walking issues left untreated for so long, they almost forget they had the walking problem. (This is obviously not the place where you want to be...) Or, they just go too used to the walking problem over time that they gave up trying to fix it...

The people we helped would not always REALIZE the extent of their depression, until it lifted with each new step after working with us.....It might sound too good to be true, but I assure you that this is real.

After our patients began to walk better, they would not only have improved walking confidence, but their mind

became filled with idea of new possibilities in life as a result!

Some would say :

  • They could walk faster...

  • Other would say, they could work around their house much more easily...

  • For some, they stated that they could walk more naturally, while others got rid of pain issue that were holding them back!...

  • While still other patients would say how they could go grocery shopping and not hold onto the cart for support...

  • Many would honestly use the word "MIRACLE" (their words not ours) when they looked back on the process. (If you stick with us, you will hear them say it for yourself...)

  • The list of improvements can and almost always does go on and on...

I remember my look of shock and awe, when I realized the possibilities, if we could just share this with the world!

It would literally redirect the worlds falling challenges in a much more positive direction!

(The text on the screen here doesn't do this justice...) We were truly helping people and making a huge difference in their lives!

But, what happened next changed my life...

…but it was as if many of them were sprinting to spread the word with other fallers they knew who could also benefit from the services we provided!

I remember the person's friends and family

members not just walking,...

I sat there in each patient encounter in amazement watching and counting each person that would improve there walking pattern, without even really trying!

I started tallying up in my head how many people began to transform their walking and their life!

20 people first month!

40 people the next month!

60 people !


497 people had turned their walking

problem around, with 1-2 effortless changes!

Once my first year of helping people transform there walking ended, the next year came and went and we helped 691 people change their walking and their lives...

I watched it happen all over again...but the concepts became easier and easier for me to simplify and the people kept coming to see us, like clockwork!

Year after year of watching this happen, over and over, I knew I HAD to learn to share this message everyone I could...

You might be thinking that, "if this was so good, I would have already heard of it by now", but if you stay with us you will learn that the medical community is not teaching the public everything they need to know about fall prevention, unfortunately...

I also didn't really want to be a walking educator, however

It is just the truth of it...

But I knew that we were only scratching the surface. I knew I wasn't better than others, I just happened to be aware of key walking information.

If I didn't share it, then who would?

(You need to learn about this stuff and chances are 95 % of the people who read this website, probably haven't heard 1/4 of what we can can teach you... )

I always knew that we learned a lot during our time at Northwestern Medical School.

Yes, I learned this key walking information, I spoke of earlier, but after I was out of school....

I Learned Something FAR GREATER!...

It was a truth that only experience could teach a person...

And that is that everyday people were struggling with walking problems because the medical community didn't teach the public what I learned.

(Seriously. Like for example, when is the last time someone came up to you to teach you everything to know on the topic of walking improvement or fall prevention ? - My guess is that is has not been anytime recently.... At most you are told to get a walking cane, right?

You see, I knew about this blue print that we would implement in our practice, but the public HONESTLY was at a major loss because these concepts were NOT being taught!

I came to this conclusion after many of my patients would keep turning to me and saying :

Why Hasn't Anyone Ever Told Me This Before?

Not Even My Doctor Has Told Me This Stuff...

You see, so many people with common walking problems could take this BLUEPRINT, and within 2 visits they could take the root of their walking problem and turn back the clock!

They could take years of frustration, a subconscious fear & depression and fire those problems out the window!

…I then understood, I NEEDED to teach others what I knew!


Maybe I could only help the people that knew they had a walking problems & knew they wanted help.... (that was key to the formula,... they had to want the help...)

But what if this could be taught to people, so they knew what to do to walk better?

How much would they save in future medical bills as a result?

So, I did my research on the potential savings...

And I realized, medical bills are the # 1 reason people go bankrupt!

(That's a terrible reality for people who are trying to retire in their Golden Years and just be happy!)

Also, in US alone, someone falls more than once every second!

Falls ultimately= A massive financial drain !

And that's just us talking about the financial side of this...

The amount of money I could help people save could easily reach $10,000 or up to $ 100,000,00, or more, for someone with a serious walking a falling problems...

I remember thinking,...

... just imagine saving a bare minimum of $500 in cold hard cash, each and every year!

Where could you spend that money?

Where would you go on vacation?

Who would you go with?

We say "minimum" above because a one day, over night hospital stay can cost over 10k ! - A 3 Day in $30,000.oo ! )

Couple these 5 to 6 figure savings with walking better and it is a win / win !

What would it be worth to learn this key information?

It would be priceless for 100s of millions of people!

There was just one problem...

I am (and still am) a SUPER introvert who doesn't like sharing complicated medical terms with people just to sound "smart".

Yet, within a few weeks of deciding to help more people learn these techniques,

I was invited to speak with a group of people about their walking problems...

I was nervous... but I was pretty sure I could share this medical framework we used for all my patients earlier.... so I responded with an exited YES!!!

Without doing any formal medical education training to the public beforehand, I assumed it couldn't be that hard... right?

Besides, I knew what I saw happen routinely in our medical practice... and if I could just WOW the audience with how much I knew...

Then they'd be sure to take our method and change their lives, right?

So I put together my best material...

I called my shot... meaning, I estimated how

many people from the audience of 200 people I

was going to help!

And then I awkwardly stepped out on stage.

I couldn't wait to find out

And then it happened...

My worst nightmare came true...

I stood on stage...

Delivered my BEST stuff...

I made my offer...

And in that moment, I realized this could be the most embarrassing moment of my educator journey...

and it happened on a stage for every single member of the audience to see...

NOBODY got up.

NOBODY mumbled a word...

NOBODY rose up from there chair to sign up for this walking transformation that I knew worked!

I remember just standing here, up on the stage...

then, I awkwardly stepped away from the stage...

and I basically just raced directly back to my hotel room where I proceeded to hide from the public.

All I wanted in thatmoment was to hide from


I couldn't understand... why in the world thousand of people come to our office routinely for this kind of help, but then the audience would avoid help when I presented the ideas from stage?

There was a drop off of communication somewhere...

So, I...

Reviewed it all in my head a hundred times...

  • "Did I not express something correctly in my presentation?"

  • "Was the way I explained it really really difficult to understand?"

  • "Did the audience really want to walk better" or was I at the wrong speaking location today?"

  • "Maybe the knowledge of helping people on walking improvement is just stuck in my head."

  • " Maybe I shouldn't try to educate anyone and just help a select number of people in my office instead..."

I mean the information I have could literally take millions of people off of walkers and canes.

Not only that, it can absolutely change our worldwide falling crisis if people just learned what I had to teach them!

If people could only see that, things could change for them....

I thought I did right by everyone, because this information

was truly GOLD.

Something went astray.

What did I do that was so wrong?

I remembering hiding out for the next 2 days (watching tv and eating room service food) because there was no way I wanted to see any of the other speakers at the conference or any audience members...

Well, it is what it is, I am done trying to help people learn this stuff... I thought...

I will just help the people in my office instead...

After all, the success my patients would have, would always below my mind.

(And it still does to this day!)

So eventually, that idea of :


CONCEPTS, then the world's walking problems and falling issues could CHANGE FOREVER...

The thought of sharing these ideas kept coming back to me...

It was like my ears were ringing with it. (If you can believe me, the idea of helping people walk better is still with me every morning when I wake up... It is always there...)

I finally took a step back and realized my message on stage that day was TOO TECNICAL .

There were too many medical words and I eventually decided to give the walking education idea another shot.

I promised myself I would take the medical words and simplify it down so the medical jargon was no longer a barrier!

I also went back on stages...

I tried it a second time...

Then I went back and did it a third time...

And forth time...

I created multiple presentation online as well...

I kept speaking to people and delivering the message over and over, each time I was getting a little bit better in how I explained these key concepts...

Each time I gave the talk or shared a video, I would use the language of my patients more and more and not the complex medical stuff.

Each patient that now came into my offices shared the missing pieces of the puzzle with me, so I could share the same walking improvement message on stage now in non medical talk.

Each time I created a talk, I began to incorporate the new ideas I was learning...

I gave a 6th talk...

then a seventh talk...

followed by my 8th, 9th..10th....11th presentation of this key material...

…until I slowly took the message in its complex medical jargon and transformed it into language everyone could understand. I then starting seeing more and more people as a result.

I Starting Helping Everyone No Matter What the Reason For Their Walking Problems!

Every time I shared the ideas with a new group of people, I would create a new simplified presentation that everyone could start understanding better and better.

After taking my original talk and rebuilding it over and over again, I began to develop a framework that included EVERTHING I had learned from hundreds and hundreds of patients as well as what I learned from my original instructors as well...

I realized after nearly 20 years of helping people walk better that millions of peoples could have a better life with this blue print.

But for some weird reason the medical community wasn't teaching it appropriately to the public.

I hope you hear me, people who are just use a walking cane, are potentially short changing yourself and with a little help from someone who knows what they are talking about, you could potentially do way better!

Sounds crazy but its absolutely true! (keep reading and you will agree)

It was at this time... I knew I had to create the beginning draft of my walking transformation blueprint.

It looked a little like what is shown below.

Each time I could step up on a stage to talk with people about their walking problems, I would review the blueprint and simplify it and people began to absolutely understand what they needed to do to walk better again,...

Then as time passed, over the next few years....

I went from zero people

understanding the concepts, to

having 10s of thousands of people

learning from me.

People would also start reaching out to me for more help from all around the world....

Even other clinicians would thank us for the content...

I knew people needed the help and I finally knew how to

deliver the message as they needed to see it!

Times had changed and the walking transformation and finally


After I went through that journey, something changed

for me, however...

After sharing thousands of hours of my time and information with people who struggled with walking problems, I

decided to retire from giving

speeches and presentations.

You see, I drove my car into the ground giving speeches everywhere. (That's costly!)

Although I got great at sharing the message....

I fully realized I was constantly away from my family...

I got tired of years and years of driving everywhere and talking with everyone all the time....


I hated that I was always gone from my wife and kids...

I hated that my wife had to be the only one to help them with their homework or do all after school activities with them alone.

So Late One Evening, While Coming Home Super Late

Again from Speaking, I Text My Wife, And Remember

Telling Her.

"This is just Too much..."

I am Done.

I'm Going to Quit.

I knew if I stopped I would be Letting Someone Down Who Needed to Hear this Message...

So, I took all my knowledge on walking improvement and helping people get their lives back and I put it online.

It was very similar to speaking to groups of people, but I had to incorporate a few small tweaks to make my presentations perfect for online audiences...

Over the next few years I wrote a book, recorded an

audio version and shared my key insights.

I also recorded a lot of important video footage and spent 100s of hours creating what I now call :

The Walking Transformation Program

For some of you reading this, you can think of it as the program that doesn't want you to only know about walking canes... That's what society has taught most people, but even with a cane we still have a falling crisis on our hands... Meaning its time to learn more!

Learn more from us.

Every time, someone had a walking problem I would share the knowledge in its newest version.

Every time I saw someone drag their foot, lose their balance, or have a painful walking pattern, I would share the info so they could take charge of their walking challenges! Not just wait for their regular clinician to finally get around to giving them these key ideas (which might never come from someone who is not a walking expert!) And I would watch as not only their confidence improved, but as their walking improved they had a new lease on life!

Attn : Individuals Suffering From

Foot Drop and Balance Problems...

If you know you have walking problem or balance issue, then this program is PERFECT for you!

And I truly mean that.

This Program is not about a knee replacement surgery, or fixing a meniscal tear.

This program is extremely useful for people when it comes to their walking and they know they have only used a walking cane at most...

It doesn't necessarily help you with arthritic knees, but if part of your walking problem is a knee that gives out on you, than we can be of assistance to you.

This is also great for people who drag their toe, or have a weak ankle or a generalized balance issue.

This program is for you if you feel like the medical community HAS NOT served you at the highest level....

(Which is most likely the case and we discuss this in my live webinar)...

This program is for you if you want to take action to walk better and not spend the rest of days sitting down....

You have to want the help.

If you do, I am here to help you walk better and be safer in your home ...

In the past, I only offered "Walk With Confidence - A Walking Transformation Program" as a group coaching experience at my expensive $10,000.oo , six week program rate....

But today, I wanted to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER and give you the entire program and its training which show you how walk with confidence...


Yes... for less then the price for a daily cup of coffee, spread out over one one short year, you can get the program that took me 19 years experience to create....

When you think about it like that, it is hard to turn this offer down. Right?

Then after you learn and master my action blueprint, you will be able to walk more efficiently for the rest of your life without having to analyze each movement!

"Order Within The Next 30 Minutes And You Will Get Dan's 4 Bonuses For Free"

YES DANIEL ! Give Me Instant Access To 'The Walking Transformation Program' Right Now Just $597.00 !

Instant Access To The Big 3 : Discover where your walking problems Are Hiding !
You Might Think You Know & Understand Your Exact Walking Problem, But 76 % of Fallers Don't Know This Information ( Value $497 )

  • Full Access to 'The Quick Win Video!' - Get An Early Walking Success Story Under Your Belt! (Value $297 )

  • Discover The 2 Effortless changes that will transform your walking forever! Trying harder to walk better today, or tomorrow, is not usually the answer. Learn about this new option we are talking about ( Value $697 )

  • How to save yourself thousands in health bills ( Value $527 )

  • How to conceal your walking challenges from everyone, while saving thousands in the process! ( Value $97 ) - Why advertise your walking problems?

  • Your doctor needs you to be an expert level self-advocate. Here's How! ( Value $67 )

  • Mind set/ motivational videos to overcome doubts or limiting beliefs you may get in this journey Dan is there routinely throughout the program to help you squash any negativity that might get in your way! ( Value $397 )

  • How you can walk 35.1% Faster with one to two Effortless Changes! We Have The Proof To Show You! ( Value $197 )

  • Walking Expert, Carla Interview : She shares A Lot But, Must Importantly, Carla shows you how patients can turn off their Internal alarm system That Keeps Your Walking Stuck! ( value $197 )

  • Walking Expert, Nicole & Amanda- Help You To Define Your Goals & Avoid Pitfalls In The Medical Community - Important! ( Value $197 )

  • Walking Expert-Jake - Centra Slower Walking Is Associated With A Higher Risk Of Falling. Let's Help You Transform Your Gait now! ( Value $197 )

  • Yoga Specialist - Laura Lundergard Interview - Fitness Made Simple & Tailored to Walking & Fall Prevention ( Value $97 )

  • Seated Yoga Stretches for Beginners Part 1 & 2 With Natalie Thomas ( Value $57 )

  • Walking expert - Michael Phillip - PhysicalsTherapist Video ( Value $37 )

  • Personal training For Walking Transformation - Interview with 2 Trainers ( Value $197 )

  • Obtain access to Our Home Safety checklist - Samantha, An Occupational Therapist From Our Team Of Home Safety Specialist created The Created This Cheat Sheet For You - This Way You Can Go Through Every Room In Your House Get Ideas An How To Improve Your Home Setup. ( Value $229 )

  • With Your Premium Membership You Will Have Life Time Access to This Content. Whatever Upgrades additional Content We provide Will Be Yours For Free! ( Value $733 )

  • Get Access To 50 Videos from DAN, That YouTube On Private Mood, These Videos Also can Change Your Walking and Balance For The Better! ( Value $497 )

  • Important Home Ideas - Stay More Safe With Samantha And Rachel. Common Sense Ideas That Are Often Overlooked ( Value $197 )

  • Beat Falls In Your Home - Brittany Ferri, Occupational Therapist Discusses Ideas That Can Change The Way You Look At Your Home ( Value $197 )

  • Medical Expert Discusses Walking Transformation - Brittany Ferri ( Value $37 )

  • Safety Proofing Your Home - Brittany Ferri - One Idea Here Could Stop Your Next Fall! ( Value $67 )

  • Many Falls Happen In the Bathroom - Brittany, Medical professional , Helps You Overcome Obstacles In the Bathroom! ( Value $67 )

  • Part 2, Bathroom safety - One Distinction Here Can Stop a Fall - Brittany Ferri ( Value $67 )

  • Exclusive To Our Course - Martin Duggan - Physician - Discussing The Surgical Management for foot Drop and Walking Challenge ( Value $87 )

  • Exclusive Interview With Doctor. Duggan - Surgical management For Foot Drop And Walking Challenges ( Value $297 )

  • Free access to our 3 Facebook Communities With Thousand Of Members! ( Value $147 )

  • Why Choose Yoga Over Other Type Of Exercises (Natalie Thomas) - Reasons Why You Can Get Exited About This Form Of Exercise ( value $37 )

  • Exercises for Walking Challenges - Easy exercises Can Add Up To Big Changes ( Value $97 )

  • Stretches For Walking Challenges - It is Not All About Strengthening Your Muscles. Important Video From Amanda

    ( Value $97 )

  • Dangers Of Searching For Foot Drop Exercises Online (Dr. Berenji) - ( Value $37 )

  • Important Considerations When Using A Walking Cane - Easy Concepts But They Can Be Over Looked Without Help ( Value $57 )

  • Important Considerations If You Need To Use Two Handed Walker - Stay Safe, Jillian RN Can Help! ( Value $57 )

  • 8 Testimonials To Remind You What Is Possible for You! ( The Gift Of Hope = Value Is Priceless, But We Add Them In For Free )

  • Bonus Offer : One On One Virtual Visit With Dan! He Can Watch You Walk & Discuss Your Walking Challenges With You! ( Value $297 ) - Worth the entire price of the course...

  • Bonus Material : The Top 10 - 15 Question To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor Your Orthotist! ( Value $27 )

  • Bonus Content : Access To Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book That Will Educate You On Walking Improvement!

    ( Value $27 )

  • Bonus Content : High Level Overview From An Audiologist, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Yoga Instructors, Dieticians, Nutritionists, Clinical Anatomists, Physicians & More to Help You Be More Safe On Your Feet ( Value $497 )

Total Value: $7607.00

Today Just $597

Click The Play Button Below If You Want Our Walking Expert, Dan, To Read You This Life Changing Story

Yes, This is The SAME Exact Walking Improvement & Fall

Prevention Information We've Used To Successfully Take

Fallers Off of Two Handed Walker & Canes!!!

Sure, that's all positive stuff, but what this program ultimately

does for you, is it will help give you, your life back!

Which is Priceless!

From Daniel Rinella

New Lenox, IL

Dear friend,

Hey, my name is Daniel Rinella, and I'm here today because I want to give you something that I call Walk With Confidence. A Walking Transformation Program"

This is my framework, our one on one walking evaluation and the course for how to change your walking and your life as a result!

No half measures to assist you with walking...

Drastically improve your balance and doing it in a way where your friend will not know what your secret is ...

But, before I give you access to the Walking Transformation Program, I want to tell you the backstory about how it was created …

This is not something that I just made up one day, and hoped that it would somehow work.

I spent over 19 years testing and perfecting this process for you.

This is what happened...

You see 19 years ago, I entered the hallowed halls of Northwestern Medical School, and I assumed that it would be a place where we came, opened up our books and started to learn very technical aspects of walking improvement.

I mean we learned everything about walking.

We watched people who presented with different kinds of walking problems.

We figured out exactly what the problem was that was holding someone back and we designed treatment plans to help them.

We did not just give someone a walking cane and then banish them to suffer from the inevitable future falls they would encounter....

No wonder we have a falling crisis on our hands as a society!

Walking canes are only a half measure...

In other words, as you can tell, we learned a ton very early on when it came to walking.

We would also learn a lot of big medical words that made us sound sophisticated, but the average person without this education would get lost.

The problem here was,...

... these were the very same people I went to school to help in the first place! Meaning, not everyone learns when the big medical words are thrown around...

But what happened next, completely confused me.

After I finished my program I began to see

patients in real life and

I watched in 'awe' as people came in with walking

canes and a limp and then they would leave with a more

normal walking pattern and a new lease on life!

People would come in with layers of frustration, buried by the day to day struggle with their walking problems.

Many with a cane or walker would sometimes have their walking issues left untreated for so long, they almost forget

they had the walking problem. (This is obviously not the place where you want to be...)

Or, they just go too used to the walking problem over time that they gave up trying to fix it...

The people we helped would not always REALIZE the extent of their depression, until it lifted with each new step after working with us.....

It might sound too good to be true, but I assure you that this is real.

After our patients began to walk better, they would not only have improved walking confidence, but their mind

became filled with idea of new possibilities in life as a result!

Some would say :

  • They could walk faster...

  • Other would say, they could work around their house much more easily...

  • For some, they stated that they could walk more naturally, while others got rid of pain issue that were holding them back!...

  • While still other patients would say how they could go grocery shopping and not hold onto the cart for support...

  • Many would honestly use the word "MIRACLE" (their words not ours) when they looked back on the process. (If you stick with us, you will hear them say it for yourself...)

  • The list of improvements can and almost always does go on and on...

I remember my look of shock and awe, when I realized the possibilities, if we could just share this with the world!

It would literally redirect the worlds falling challenges in a much more positive direction!

(The text on the screen here doesn't do this justice...)

We were truly helping people and making a huge difference in their lives!

But, what happened next changed my life...

I remember the person's friends and family

members not just walking,...

…but it was as if many of them were sprinting to spread the word

with other fallers they knew who could also benefit from the services we provided!

I sat there in each patient encounter in amazement watching and counting each person that would improve there walking pattern, without even really trying!

I started tallying up in my head how many people began to transform their walking and their life!

20 people first month!

40 people the next month!

60 people !


497 people had turned their walking

problem around, with 1-2 effortless changes!

Once my first year of helping people transform there walking ended, the next year came and went and we helped 691 people change their walking and their lives...

I watched it happen all over again...but the concepts became easier and easier for me to simplify and the people kept coming to see us, like clockwork!

Year after year of watching this happen, over and over, I knew I HAD to learn to share this message everyone I could...

You might be thinking that, "if this was so good, I would have already heard of it by now", but if you stay with us you will learn that the medical community is not teaching the public everything they need to know about fall prevention, unfortunately...

I also didn't really want to be a walking educator, however

It is just the truth of it...

But I knew that we were only scratching the surface. I knew I wasn't better than others, I just happened to be aware of key walking information.

If I didn't share it, then who would?

(You need to learn about this stuff and chances are 95 % of the people who read this website, probably haven't heard 1/4 of what we can can teach you... )

I always knew that we learned a lot during our time at Northwestern Medical School.

Yes, I learned this key walking information, I spoke of earlier, but after I was out of school....

I Learned Something FAR GREATER!...

It was a truth that only experience could teach a person...

And that is that everyday people were struggling with walking problems because the medical community didn't teach the public what I learned.

(Seriously. Like for example, when is the last time someone came up to you to teach you everything to know on the topic of walking improvement or fall prevention ? - My guess is that is has not been anytime recently.... At most you are told to get a walking cane, right?

You see, I knew about this blue print that we would implement in our practice, but the public HONESTLY was at a major loss because these concepts were NOT being taught!

I came to this conclusion after many of my patients would keep turning to me and saying :

Why Hasn't Anyone Ever Told Me This Before?

Not Even My Doctor Has Told Me This Stuff...

You see, so many people with common walking problems could take this BLUEPRINT, and within 2 visits they could take the root of their walking problem and turn back the clock!

They could take years of frustration, a subconscious fear & depression and fire those problems out the window!

…I then understood, I NEEDED to teach others what I knew!


Maybe I could only help the people that knew they had a walking problems & knew they wanted help.... (that was key to the formula,... they had to want the help...)

But what if this could be taught to people, so they knew what to do to walk better?

How much would they save in future medical bills as a result?

So, I did my research on the potential savings...

And I realized, medical bills are the # 1 reason people go bankrupt!

(That's a terrible reality for people who are trying to retire in their Golden Years and just be happy!)

Also, in US alone, someone falls more than once every second!

Falls ultimately= A massive financial drain !

And that's just us talking about the financial side of this...

The amount of money I could help people save could easily reach $10,000 or up to $ 100,000,00, or more, for someone with a serious walking a falling problems...

I remember thinking,...

... just imagine saving a bare minimum of $500 in cold hard cash, each and every year!

Where could you spend that money?

Where would you go on vacation?

Who would you go with?

We say "minimum" above because a one day, over night hospital stay can cost over 10k ! - A 3 Day in $30,000.oo ! )

Couple these 5 to 6 figure savings with walking better and it is a win / win !

What would it be worth to learn this key information?

It would be priceless for 100s of millions of people!

There was just one problem...

I am (and still am) a SUPER introvert who doesn't like sharing complicated medical terms with people just to sound "smart".

Yet, within a few weeks of deciding to help more people learn these techniques,

I was invited to speak with a group of people about their walking problems...

I was nervous... but I was pretty sure I could share this medical framework we used for all my patients earlier.... so I responded with an exited YES!!!

Without doing any formal medical education training to the public beforehand, I assumed it couldn't be that hard... right?

Besides, I knew what I saw happen routinely in our medical practice... and if I could just WOW the audience with how much I knew...

Then they'd be sure to take our method and change their lives, right?

So I put together my best material...

I called my shot... meaning, I estimated how

many people from the audience of 200 people I

was going to help!

And then I awkwardly stepped out on stage.

I couldn't wait to find out

And then it happened...

My worst nightmare came true...

I stood on stage...

Delivered my BEST stuff...

I made my offer...

And in that moment, I realized this could be the most embarrassing moment of my educator journey...

and it happened on a stage for every single member of the audience to see...

NOBODY got up.

NOBODY mumbled a word...

NOBODY rose up from there chair to sign up for this walking transformation that I knew worked!

I remember just standing here, up on the stage...

then, I awkwardly stepped away from the stage...

and I basically just raced directly back to my hotel room where I proceeded to hide from the public.

All I wanted in that

moment was to hide from



I couldn't understand... why in the world thousand of people come to our office routinely for this kind of help, but then the audience would avoid help when I presented the ideas from stage?

There was a drop off of communication somewhere...

So, I...

Reviewed it all in my head a hundred times...

  • "Did I not express something correctly in my presentation?"

  • "Was the way I explained it really really difficult to understand?"

  • "Did the audience really want to walk better" or was I at the wrong speaking location today?"

  • "Maybe the knowledge of helping people on walking improvement is just stuck in my head."

  • " Maybe I shouldn't try to educate anyone and just help a select number of people in my office instead..."

I mean the information I have could literally take millions of people off of walkers and canes.

Not only that, it can absolutely change our worldwide falling crisis if people just learned what I had to teach them!

If people could only see that, things could change for them....

I thought I did right by everyone, because this information

was truly GOLD.

Something went astray.

What did I do that was so wrong?

I remembering hiding out for the next 2 days (watching tv and eating room service food) because there

was no way I wanted to see any of the other speakers at the conference or any audience members...

Well, it is what it is, I am done trying to help people learn this stuff... I thought...

I will just help the people in my office instead...

After all, the success my patients would have, would always below my mind.

(And it still does to this day!)

So eventually, that idea of :


CONCEPTS, then the world's walking problems and falling issues could CHANGE FOREVER...

The thought of sharing these ideas kept coming back to me...

It was like my ears were ringing with it. (If you can believe me, the idea of helping people walk better is still with me every morning when I wake up... It is always there...)

I finally took a step back and realized my message on stage that day was TOO TECNICAL .

There were too many medical words and I eventually decided to give the walking education idea another shot.

I promised myself I would take the medical words and simplify it down so the medical jargon was no longer a barrier!

I also went back on stages...

I tried it a second time...

Then I went back and did it a third time...

And forth time...

I created multiple presentation online as well...

I kept speaking to people and delivering the message over and over, each time I was getting a little bit better in how I explained these key concepts...

Each time I gave the talk or shared a video, I would use the language of my patients more and more and not the complex medical stuff.

Each patient that now came into my offices shared the missing pieces of the puzzle with me, so I could share the same walking improvement message on stage now in non medical talk.

Each time I created a talk, I began to incorporate the new ideas I was learning...

I gave a 6th talk...

then a seventh talk...

followed by my 8th, 9th..10th....11th presentation of this key material...

…until I slowly took the message in its complex medical jargon and transformed it into language everyone could understand. I then starting seeing more and more people as a result.

I Starting Helping Everyone No Matter What the Reason For Their Walking Problems!

Every time I shared the ideas with a new group of people, I would create a new simplified presentation that everyone could start understanding better and better.

After taking my original talk and rebuilding it over and over again, I began to develop a framework that included EVERTHING I had learned from hundreds and hundreds of patients as well as what I learned from my original instructors as well...

I realized after nearly 20 years of helping people walk better that millions of peoples could have a better life with this blue print.

But for some weird reason the medical community wasn't teaching it appropriately to the public.

I hope you hear me, people who are just use a walking cane, are potentially short changing yourself and with a little help from someone who knows what they are talking about, you could potentially do way better!

Sounds crazy but its absolutely true! (keep reading and you will agree)

It was at this time... I knew I had to create the beginning draft of my walking transformation blueprint.

It looked a little like what is shown below.

Each time I could step up on a stage to talk with people about their walking problems, I would review the blueprint and simplify it and people began to absolutely understand what they needed to do to walk better again,...

Then as time passed, over the next few years....

I went from zero people

understanding the concepts, to

having 10s of thousands of people

learning from me.

People would also start reaching out

to me for more help from all around

the world....

Even other clinicians would thank us for the content...

I knew people needed the help and I finally knew how to

deliver the message as they needed to see it!

Times had changed and the walking transformation and finally


After I went through that journey, something changed

for me, however...

After sharing thousands of hours of

my time and information with people who

struggled with walking problems, I

decided to retire from giving

speeches and presentations.

You see, I drove my car into the ground giving speeches everywhere. (That's costly!)

Although I got great at sharing the message....

I fully realized I was constantly away from my family...

I got tired of years and years of driving everywhere and talking with everyone all the time....




I hated that I was always gone from my wife and kids...

I hated that my wife had to be the only one to help them with their homework or do all after school activities with them alone.

So Late One Evening, While Coming Home Super Late

Again from Speaking, I Text My Wife, And Remember

Telling Her.

"This is just Too much..."

I am Done.

I'm Going to Quit.

I knew if I stopped I would be Letting Someone Down Who Needed to Hear this Message...

So, I took all my knowledge on walking improvement and helping people get their lives back and I put it online.

It was very similar to speaking to groups of people, but I had to incorporate a few small tweaks to make my presentations perfect for online audiences...

Over the next few years I wrote a book, recorded an

audio version and shared my key insights.

I also recorded a lot of important video footage and spent 100s of hours creating what I now call :

The Walking Transformation Program

For some of you reading this, you can think of it as the program that doesn't want you to only know about walking canes... That's what society has taught most people, but even with a cane we still have a falling crisis on our hands... Meaning its time to learn more!

Learn more from us.

Every time, someone had a walking problem I would share the knowledge in its newest version.

Every time I saw someone drag their foot, lose their balance, or have a painful walking pattern, I would share the info so they could take charge of their walking challenges! Not just wait for their regular clinician to finally get around to giving them these key ideas (which might never come from someone who is not a walking expert!)

And I would watch as not only their confidence improved, but as their walking improved they had a new lease on life!

Attn : Individuals Suffering From

Foot Drop and Balance Problems...

If you know you have walking problem or balance issue, then this program is PERFECT for you!

And I truly mean that.

This Program is not about a knee replacement surgery, or fixing a meniscal tear.

This program is extremely useful for people when it comes to their walking and they know they have only used a walking cane at most...

It doesn't necessarily help you with arthritic knees, but if part of your walking problem is a knee that gives out on you, than we can be of assistance to you.

This is also great for people who drag their toe, or have a weak ankle or a generalized balance issue.

This program is for you if you feel like the medical community HAS NOT served you at the highest level....

(Which is most likely the case and we discuss this in my live webinar)...

This program is for you if you want to take action to walk better and not spend the rest of days sitting down....

You have to want the help.

If you do, I am here to help you walk better and be safer in your home ...

In the past, I only offered "Walk With Confidence - A Walking Transformation Program" as a group coaching experience at my expensive $10,000.oo , six week program rate....

But today, I wanted to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER and give you the entire program and its training which show you how walk with confidence...


Yes... for less then the price for a daily cup of coffee, spread out over one one short year, you can get the program that took me 19 years experience to create....

When you think about it like that, it is hard to turn this offer down. Right?

Then after you learn and master my action blueprint, you will be able to walk more efficiently for the rest of your life without having to analyze each movement!

"Order Within The Next 30 Minutes And You

Will Get Dan's 4 Bonuses For Free"

YES DANIEL ! Give Me Instant Access To 'The Walking

Transformation Program' Right Now Just $597.00 !

Instant Access To The Big 3 : Discover where your walking problems Are Hiding !
You Might Think You Know & Understand Your Exact Walking Problem, But 76 % of Fallers Don't Know This Information ( Value $497 )

  • Full Access to 'The Quick Win Video!' - Get An Early Walking Success Story Under Your Belt! (Value $297 )

  • Discover The 2 Effortless changes that will transform your walking forever! Trying harder to walk better today, or tomorrow, is not usually the answer. Learn about this new option we are talking about ( Value $697 )

  • How to save yourself thousands in health bills ( Value $527 )

  • How to conceal your walking challenges from everyone, while saving thousands in the process! ( Value $97 ) - Why advertise your walking problems?

  • Your doctor needs you to be an expert level self-advocate. Here's How! ( Value $67 )

  • Mind set/ motivational videos to overcome doubts or limiting beliefs you may get in this journey Dan is there routinely throughout the program to help you squash any negativity that might get in your way! ( Value $397 )

  • How you can walk 35.1% Faster with one to two Effortless Changes! We Have The Proof To Show You! ( Value $197 )

  • Walking Expert, Carla Interview : She shares A Lot But, Must Importantly, Carla shows you how patients can turn off their Internal alarm system That Keeps Your Walking Stuck! ( value $197 )

  • Walking Expert, Nicole & Amanda- Help You To Define Your Goals & Avoid Pitfalls In The Medical Community - Important! ( Value $197 )

  • Walking Expert-Jake - Centra Slower Walking Is Associated With A Higher Risk Of Falling. Let's Help You Transform Your Gait now! ( Value $197 )

  • Yoga Specialist - Laura Lundergard Interview - Fitness Made Simple & Tailored to Walking & Fall Prevention ( Value $97 )

  • Seated Yoga Stretches for Beginners Part 1 & 2 With Natalie Thomas ( Value $57 )

  • Walking expert - Michael Phillip - PhysicalsTherapist Video ( Value $37 )

  • Personal training For Walking Transformation - Interview with 2 Trainers ( Value $197 )

  • Obtain access to Our Home Safety checklist - Samantha, An Occupational Therapist From Our Team Of Home Safety Specialist created The Created This Cheat Sheet For You - This Way You Can Go Through Every Room In Your House Get Ideas An How To Improve Your Home Setup. ( Value $229 )

  • With Your Premium Membership You Will Have Life Time Access to This Content. Whatever Upgrades additional Content We provide Will Be Yours For Free! ( Value $733 )

  • Get Access To 50 Videos from DAN, That YouTube On Private Mood, These Videos Also can Change Your Walking and Balance For The Better! ( Value $497 )

  • Important Home Ideas - Stay More Safe With Samantha And Rachel. Common Sense Ideas That Are Often Overlooked ( Value $197 )

  • Beat Falls In Your Home - Brittany Ferri, Occupational Therapist Discusses Ideas That Can Change The Way You Look At Your Home ( Value $197 )

  • Medical Expert Discusses Walking Transformation - Brittany Ferri ( Value $37 )

  • Safety Proofing Your Home - Brittany Ferri - One Idea Here Could Stop Your Next Fall! ( Value $67 )

  • Many Falls Happen In the Bathroom - Brittany, Medical professional , Helps You Overcome Obstacles In the Bathroom! ( Value $67 )

  • Part 2, Bathroom safety - One Distinction Here Can Stop a Fall - Brittany Ferri ( Value $67 )

  • Exclusive To Our Course - Martin Duggan - Physician - Discussing The Surgical Management for foot Drop and Walking Challenge ( Value $87 )

  • Exclusive Interview With Doctor. Duggan - Surgical management For Foot Drop And Walking Challenges ( Value $297 )

  • Free access to our 3 Facebook Communities With Thousand Of Members! ( Value $147 )

  • Why Choose Yoga Over Other Type Of Exercises (Natalie Thomas) - Reasons Why You Can Get Exited About This Form Of Exercise ( value $37 )

  • Exercises for Walking Challenges - Easy exercises Can Add Up To Big Changes ( Value $97 )

  • Stretches For Walking Challenges - It is Not All About Strengthening Your Muscles. Important Video From Amanda

    ( Value $97 )

  • Dangers Of Searching For Foot Drop Exercises Online (Dr. Berenji) - ( Value $37 )

  • Important Considerations When Using A Walking Cane - Easy Concepts But They Can Be Over Looked Without Help ( Value $57 )

  • Important Considerations If You Need To Use Two Handed Walker - Stay Safe, Jillian RN Can Help! ( Value $57 )

  • 8 Testimonials To Remind You What Is Possible for You! ( The Gift Of Hope = Value Is Priceless, But We Add Them In For Free )

  • Bonus Offer : One On One Virtual Visit With Dan! He Can Watch You Walk & Discuss Your Walking Challenges With You! ( Value $297 ) - Worth the entire price of the course...

  • Bonus Material : The Top 10 - 15 Question To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor Your Orthotist! ( Value $27 )

  • Bonus Content : Access To Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book That Will Educate You On Walking Improvement!

    ( Value $27 )

  • Bonus Content : High Level Overview From An Audiologist, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Yoga Instructors, Dieticians, Nutritionists, Clinical Anatomists, Physicians & More to Help You Be More Safe On Your Feet ( Value $497 )

Total Value: $7607.00

Today Just $597

It Doesn't Matter How Long You Have Suffered From This Issue...The Walking Transformation Can Help You Turn Your Walking Around!

In fact....

We Have Helped People Who Have Suffered From Countless

Different Walking Issues Who Are Using This Program To Help

Turn Around Their Walking!

"Many come back to us saying :

Why hasn't anyone told me this stuff before!?"

We get this Question All The Time Actually! And for good Reason!

Nobody Is Shearing this with people until now...

It Doesn't Matter How Long You Have Suffered

From This Issue...The Walking Transformation

Can Help You Turn Your Walking


In fact....

We Have Helped People Who Have Suffered From Countless

Different Walking Issues Who Are Using This Program To Help

Turn Around Their Walking!

"Many come back to us saying :

Why hasn't anyone told me this stuff before!?"

We get this Question All The Time Actually! And for good


Nobody Is Shearing this with people until now...

They use it to walk better for issue, like :

  • Foot Drop

  • Balance Issue

  • Generalized Weakness

  • Even if somehow has had a stroke!

  • Arthritis

  • Posterior Tibial Tendon Disfunction

  • Sprained Ankles

  • You name it!

Here are some just of the positive remarks we get from everyone.

These are real people, sharing real results with you

In this blue print, we will discusses many areas to help you walk better that your clinician is probably not mentioning to you... I hate to say it, but it is true...

It Is the same process I use to help each one of my patients to walk better!

And this process can work for you when you use it!

Sign up Today for “The Walking

Transformation Program”

The Conservative Value Evaluation is $7607.00.

But The Honest Truth Is, (and I believe this with 100% of my entire being)

What Value Do You Place on Something That Has the Power to Change Your Life? 

Especially When it is Currently Priced at Just $597!

You Might be Asking, Why Am I Doing This?

There are a few reasons :

1.) We have a massive falling crisis on our hands as a society. It will break the lives of hundreds of millions of people unless we start to consider our approach to fall prevention...
2.) I wanted to make a quality program that is accessible to people that can’t afford our hands on, in depth coaching.

 3.) Realize this : Nobody is coming up to you and teaching you this vitally important information, so I honestly see it as my duty to bring this to the public!

Question : When is the last time anyone tried to show you 5 different ways to really approach your walking problem?

It doesn't happen. At most you are told to use a cane.

When that reality hits you like a ton of bricks, you can easily see why it is time to invest in yourself and this program.

“Order Within The Next 30 Minutes And You

Will Get Dan’s 4 Bonuses For FREE!”

The First Bonus is Priceless!

Bonus #1 - Discuss Your Walking Issues With Dan - Limited Time Offer!

One on one virtual visit with Dan! He Can Watch You Walk & Discuss Your Walking Challenges With You!

(Value $497, but this could honestly be priceless for someone.)

This is worth much more than the price of the course! – A very limited time offer.

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Bonus #2 - The Top 10-15 Questions To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor & Your Orthotist!

The Top 10-15 Questions To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor & Your Orthotist!

(Value $27)

At Medical Visits Key Concepts Can Be Left on The Table!
Bring These 3 Key Questions Sets With You to Optimize Your Treatment !
Don’t Let Key Concepts Slip By! 
Believe us, stuff easily gets missed in these appointments!

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Bonus #3 - Access to Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book!

Access to Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book That Will Educate You On Walking


(Easily a Value $27)

Dan spent hundreds of hours writing, rewriting, recording and simplifying this message. This book alone could change your life! It is a digital book and audio file that will help you understand they is information!

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Bonus #4 - Glimpses From Our Walking Summit!

High Level Overview From An Audiologist,

Optometry, Pharmacy, Nutritionists,

Dieticians, Physical Therapy, Occupational

Therapy, Yoga Instructors, Nutritionists,

Dietitians, Herbalists, Physician Assistants,

A Clinical Anatomist, Physicians & More To Help

You Be More Safe On Your Feet!

(Value $497)

In Dan’s effort to go above and beyond for you, he brought in Key Speakers to Talk About Walking Improvement!

This is a high level overview of his coaching program which sells for $4997. Get a glimpse for Free of This Content!

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Again, you will have access to the entire program. The trainings, the book, and all the bonuses, including a rare opportunity to work with Dan. For many of you that sign up, this will not only be effective the first year, but it can continue to pay dividends for the next 3, 5, 10, 20 years and beyond!

This is why we made it inexpensive compared to the value you get!

Okay. What else do you get for $1.64 per day? Even a candy bar costs more these days...

So you could either get a candy bar or you could take that small amount and invest it into something that can change the trajectory of your life.

And so for you today, I want to make sure you take advantage of this.

I'm trying to make this affordable for everyone because when you have it.

The look on your friends faces will be priceless.

Be prepared, because some folks could become jealous of you.

They will all wonder how you managed to walk so much better and you can choose to tell them your secret (or not)!

If they have a falling and walking problem though it's probably best to share the message. You would honestly be doing them a huge favor!

So all your gonna do now is go down below.

There's going to be a blue box click on it and as soon as you buy the program we will literally give you full access to everything!

You can have access to our walking Transformation program, all it's training, Dan's book and all the other bonuses. Then, it is time to schedule your session with me so we can get you started.

There is no catch!

Time is Running out for this offer...


This price point can go up at any moment, especially if we add new modules as we are planning to do soon...

(Which is what we have done with our other course material in the past.)

Because of what you are about to be receiving, we are expecting a ton of orders every day for this program.

(Especially with Dan offering to help people in person)

Just imagine what life would be like if you could walk with confidence again, if you could not fear the next fall, if you could back get back to an activity level that matched who you used to be without this walking problem!

What impact would that have on your life?

What could you accomplish?

All it takes is 1-2 key ideas from this program to set you free!

Here is my "you have got to be out of your dang mind" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll wonder "why NOBODY has ever taught you this before". AKA, I like this and am going to keep the Program... or, I will offer you a no questions asked refund, if you request it within 30 days...

You won't take the risk . I will take the risk on this one...

If you don't feel like this program has helped you walk better then drop me an email within 30 days of purchase and I'll refund your money via check. No questions asked . Does that sound fair enough?


You Need To Act Now to Secure This Purchase!

This is Truly A Limited Offer , So Claim Your Premium Membership To the walking Transformation Program Now Before It is Gone For Good...


Having said that, My Sincere Hope is that you use the program & that you enjoy learning what many others will Never learn (And they unfortunately will pay a much bigger price than the cost of this course)

I want to get this information into your hands because I fully realize you are not being served at the highest level yet when it comes to walking better and fall prevention.

Best of luck to you in the future.

Thanks again,

Daniel Rinella

Walking expert

Did you just skip to the end of this page so you could see what the deal actually is?

I can appreciate that you want to get answers quickly.

If after you watch this 5 minute video (below) and this sound like it could help you, we recommend reading this page above because it holds the key to transforming your walking and your life as a result! (video Below)

Just click the blue button right now so you can get started

YES DANIEL ! Give Me Instant Access To 'The Walking Transformation Program' RIGHT NOW For Just $597.00 !

“Order Within The Next 30

Minutes And You Will Get Dan’s

4 Bonuses For FREE!”

By NOT Taking Action Now, It’s Just Like Defending Your Walking Problems. You Deserve Better Than That, Don’t You? Let’s Work Together Now to Make Your Walking Happen! Fill Out This Section Below. Complete The Checkout And We Will See You On The Inside!

No products available


If you buy now Dan will coach you to for the next 6 week for just $4997

One time offer $4997.00

Dan will meet Once per week, Listen to your question, Provide feedback and help you cut through all the noise himself!

couch can change your life and there is no better walking coach than Dan available today!

Click the box to add this option to your order now to have Dan help you personally for 6 week in your pursuit of walking improvement!

The walking transformation program $597.00

By providing us with you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our


Everything You're Going To Get

  • Instant Access to The Big 3 : Discover Where Your Walking Problems Are Hiding! You Might Think You Know & Understand Your Exact Walking Problem, But 76 % of Fallers Don't Know This Information! (Value $497)

  • Full Access to 'The Quick Win Video!' - Get an Early Walking Success Story Under Your Belt! (Value $297)

  • Discover The 2 Effortless Changes That Will Transform Your Walking Forever! Trying harder to walk better today, or tomorrow, is not usually the answer. Learn about this new option we are talking about. (Value $697)

  • How To Save Yourself THOUSANDS in Health Bills (Value $527)

  • Your Doctor Needs You to be an Expert Level Self-Advocate - Here's How! (Value $67)

  • Mindset / Motivational Videos to Overcome Any Doubts or limiting beliefs You May Get In This Journey Dan is there routinely throughout the program to help you squash any negativity that might get in your way! (Value $397)

  • How You Can Walk 35.1% Faster With One to Two Effortless Changes! We Have The Proof To Show You! (Value $197)

  • Walking Expert, Carla Interview : She shares a lot, but most importantly, Carla shows you how patients can turn off their internal alarm system that keeps your walking stuck! (Value : $197)

  • Walking Experts, Nicole & Amanda - Help You to Define Your Goals & Avoid Pitfalls in the Medical Community - Important! (Value : $197)

  • Walking Expert - Jake Centra - Slower Walking Is Associated With a Higher Risk of Falling. Let's Help You Transform Your Gait Now! (Value : 197)

  • Yoga Specialist - Laura Lundergard Interview - Fitness Made Simple (Value $97)

  • Seated Yoga Stretches For Beginners Part 1 & 2 With Natalie Thomas (Value $57)

  • Walking Expert - Michael Phillip - Physical Therapist Video (Value : $37)

  • Personal Training For Walking Transformation - Interview With 2 Trainers (Value $197)

  • Obtain Access to Our Home Safety Checklist - Samantha, an Occupational Therapist from our team of home safety specialists created this cheat sheet for you - this way you can go through every room in your house and get ideas on how to improve your home set up.

    (value $229)

  • With Your PREMIUM Membership you will have lifetime access to this content. Whatever upgrades or additional content we provide will be yours for FREE! (value $733)

  • Get access to 50 videos from Dan, that on YouTube’s Private Mode! These videos alone can change your walking and balance for the better! (Value $ 497)

  • Important Home Ideas - Stay More Safe With Samantha and Rachel. Common Sense Ideas That Are Often Overlooked (Value : $197)

  • Beat Falls In Your Home - Brittany Ferri, Occupational Therapist Discusses Ideas That Can Change The Way You Look at Your Home (Value : $197)

  • Medical Expert Discusses Walking Transformation - Brittany Ferri

    (Value : $37)

  • Safety Proofing Your Home - Brittany Ferri - One Idea Here Could Stop Your Next Fall! (Value : $67)

  • Many Falls Happen in The Bathroom - Brittany, Medical Professional, Helps You Overcome Obstacles in The Bathroom! (Value : $67)

  • Part 2, Bathroom Safety - One Distinction Here Can Stop a Fall! Brittany Ferri (Value $67)

  • Exclusive To Our Course - Martin Duggan - Physician - Discussing The Surgical Management of Foot Drop & Walking Issues - Is This an Option For You?

    (Value : $87)

  • Exclusive Interview With Dr. Duggan - Surgical Management for Foot Drop and Walking Challenges (Value : $297)

  • Free Access to Our 2 Facebook Communities With Thousands of Members! (Value : $147)

  • Why Choose Yoga Over Other Types Of Exercises (Natalie Thomas) - Reasons Why You Can Get Excited About This Form of Exercise (Value : $37)

  • Exercises for Walking Challenges - Easy Exercises Can Add Up to Big Changes (Value : $97)

  • Stretches for Walking Challenges - Its Not All About Strengthening Your Muscles. Important Video From Amanda (Value : $97)

  • Dangers of Searching For Foot Drop Exercises Online (Dr Berenji) -

    (Value : $37)

  • Important Considerations When Using a Walking Cane - Easy Concepts, But They Can Be Overlooked Without Help

    Value : $57)

  • Important Considerations If You Need to Use a Two Handed Walker - Stay Safe, Jillian RN Can Help! (Value : $57)

  • Bonus! - 8 Testimonials To Remind You What Is Possible For You! (The Gift of Hope = Value is Priceless, But We Add Them In For FREE!)

  • Bonus Offer : One on one virtual visit with Dan! He Can Watch You Walk & Discuss Your Walking Challenges With You! (Value $297)

  • Bonus Material : The Top 10-15 Questions To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor & Your Orthotist! (Value $27)

  • Bonus Content : Access to Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book That Will Educate You On Walking Improvement! (Value $27)

  • Bonus Content : High Level Overview From An Audiologist, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Yoga Instructors, dieticians, nutritionists, clinical anatomists, Physicians & More To Help You Be More Safe On Your Feet!

    (Value $497)

Conservative Total Value:


Today Just


Glimpses From The Walking Transformation Program

They use it to walk better for issue, like :

  • Foot Drop

  • Balance Issue

  • Generalized Weakness

  • Even if somehow has had a stroke!

  • Arthritis

  • Posterior Tibial Tendon Disfunction

  • Sprained Ankles

  • You name it!

Here are some just of the positive remarks we get from everyone.

These are real people, sharing real results with you

In this blue print, we will discusses many areas to help you walk better that your clinician is probably not mentioning to you... I hate to say it, but it is true...

It Is the same process I use to help each one of my patients to walk better!

And this process can work for you when you use it!

Sign up Today for “The Walking

Transformation Program”

The Conservative Value Evaluation is $7607.00.

But The Honest Truth Is, (and I believe this with 100% of my entire being)

What Value Do You Place on Something That Has the Power to Change Your Life? 

Especially When it is Currently Priced at Just $597!

You Might be Asking, Why Am I Doing This?

There are a few reasons :

1.) We have a massive falling crisis on our hands as a society. It will break the lives of hundreds of millions of people unless we start to consider our approach to fall prevention...

2.) I wanted to make a quality program that is accessible to people that can’t afford our hands on, in depth coaching.

 3.) Realize this : Nobody is coming up to you and teaching you this vitally important information, so I honestly see it as my duty to bring this to the public!

Question : When is the last time anyone tried to show you 5 different ways to really approach your walking problem?

It doesn't happen. At most you are told to use a cane.

When that reality hits you like a ton of bricks, you can easily see why it is time to invest in yourself and this program.

“Order Within The Next 30 Minutes And You

Will Get Dan’s 4 Bonuses For FREE!”

The First Bonus is Priceless!

Bonus #1 - Discuss Your Walking Issues With Dan - Limited Time Offer!

One on one virtual visit with Dan! He Can

Watch You Walk & Discuss Your Walking

Challenges With You!

(Value $497, but this could honestly be

priceless for someone.)

This is worth much more than the price of the course! – A very limited time offer.

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Bonus #2 - The Top 10-15 Questions To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor & Your Orthotist!

The Top 10-15 Questions To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor & Your Orthotist!

(Value $27)

At Medical Visits Key Concepts Can Be Left on The Table!

Bring These 3 Key Questions Sets With You to Optimize Your Treatment !

Don’t Let Key Concepts Slip By! 

Believe us, stuff easily gets missed in these appointments!

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Bonus #3 - Access to Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book!

Access to Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book

That Will Educate You On Walking


(Easily a Value $27)

Dan spent hundreds of hours writing, rewriting, recording and simplifying this message.

This book alone could change your life!

It is a digital book and audio file that will help you understand they is information!

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Bonus #4 - Glimpses From Our Walking Summit!

High Level Overview From An Audiologist,

Optometry, Pharmacy, Nutritionists,

Dieticians, Physical Therapy, Occupational

Therapy, Yoga Instructors, Nutritionists,

Dietitians, Herbalists, Physician Assistants,

A Clinical Anatomist, Physicians & More To Help

You Be More Safe On Your Feet!

(Value $497)

In Dan’s effort to go above and beyond for you, he brought in Key Speakers to Talk About Walking Improvement!

This is a high level overview of his coaching program which sells for $4997. Get a glimpse for Free of This Content!

Get This Bonus Absolutely Free Today When You Order The Walking Transformation Program!

Again, you will have access to the entire program. The trainings, the book, and all the bonuses, including a rare opportunity to work with Dan.

For many of you that sign up, this will not only be effective the first year, but it can continue to pay dividends for the next 3, 5, 10, 20 years and beyond!

This is why we made it inexpensive compared to the value you get!

Okay. What else do you get for $1.64 per day? Even a candy bar costs more these days...

So you could either get a candy bar or you could take that small amount and invest it into something that can change the trajectory of your life.

And so for you today, I want to make sure you take advantage of this.

I'm trying to make this affordable for everyone because when you have it.

The look on your friends faces will be priceless.

Be prepared, because some folks could become jealous of you.

They will all wonder how you managed to walk so much better and you can choose to tell them your secret (or not)!

If they have a falling and walking problem though it's probably best to share the message. You would honestly be doing them a huge favor!

So all your gonna do now is go down below.

There's going to be a blue box click on it and as soon as you buy the program we will literally give you full access to everything!

You can have access to our walking Transformation program, all it's training, Dan's book and all the other bonuses. Then, it is time to schedule your session with me so we can get you started.

There is no catch!

Time is Running out for this offer...


This price point can go up at any moment, especially if we add new modules as we are planning to do soon...

(Which is what we have done with our other course material in the past.)

Because of what you are about to be receiving, we are expecting a ton of orders every day for this program.

(Especially with Dan offering to help people in person)

Just imagine what life would be like if you could walk with confidence again, if you could not fear the next fall, if you could back get back to an activity level that matched who you used to be without this walking problem!

What impact would that have on your life?

What could you accomplish?

All it takes is 1-2 key ideas from this program

to set you free!

Here is my "you have got to be out of your

dang mind" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll wonder "why NOBODY has ever taught you this before". AKA, I like this and am going to keep the Program... or, I will offer you a no questions asked refund, if you request it within 30 days...

You won't take the risk . I will take the risk on this one...

If you don't feel like this program has helped you walk better then drop me an email within 30 days of purchase and I'll refund your money via check. No questions asked . Does that sound fair enough?


You Need To Act Now to Secure This Purchase!

This is Truly A Limited Offer , So Claim Your

Premium Membership To the walking

Transformation Program Now Before It is

Gone For Good...


Having said that, My Sincere Hope is that you use the program & that you enjoy learning what many others will Never learn (And they unfortunately will pay a much bigger price than the cost of this course)

I want to get this information into your hands because I fully realize you are not being served at the highest level yet when it comes to walking better and fall prevention.

Best of luck to you in the future.

Thanks again,

Daniel Rinella

Walking expert

Did you just skip to the end of this page so you could see what the deal actually is?

I can appreciate that you want to get answers quickly.

If after you watch this 5 minute video (below) and this sound like it could help you, we recommend reading this page above because it holds the key to transforming your walking and your life as a result! (video Below)

Just click the blue button right now so you can get started

YES DANIEL ! Give Me Instant Access To 'The Walking Transformation Program' RIGHT NOW For Just $597.00 !

“Order Within The Next 30

Minutes And You Will Get Dan’s

4 Bonuses For FREE!”

By NOT Taking Action Now, It’s Just Like Defending Your Walking Problems. You Deserve Better Than That, Don’t You? Let’s Work Together Now to Make Your Walking Happen! Fill Out This Section Below. Complete The Checkout And We Will See You On The Inside!

No products available


If you buy now Dan will coach you to for the next 6 week for just $4997

One time offer $4997.00

Dan will meet Once per week, Listen to your question, Provide feedback and help you cut through all the noise himself!

couch can change your life and there is no better walking coach than Dan available today!

Click the box to add this option to your order now to have Dan help you personally for 6 week in your pursuit of walking improvement!

The walking transformation program $597.00

By providing us with you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our


Everything You're Going To Get

  • Instant Access to The Big 3 : Discover Where Your Walking Problems Are Hiding! You Might Think You Know & Understand Your Exact Walking Problem, But 76 % of Fallers Don't Know This Information! (Value $497)

  • Full Access to 'The Quick Win Video!' - Get an Early Walking Success Story Under Your Belt! (Value $297)

  • Discover The 2 Effortless Changes That Will Transform Your Walking Forever! Trying harder to walk better today, or tomorrow, is not usually the answer. Learn about this new option we are talking about. (Value $697)

  • How To Save Yourself THOUSANDS in Health Bills (Value $527)

  • Your Doctor Needs You to be an Expert Level Self-Advocate - Here's How! (Value $67)

  • Mindset / Motivational Videos to Overcome Any Doubts or limiting beliefs You May Get In This Journey Dan is there routinely throughout the program to help you squash any negativity that might get in your way! (Value $397)

  • How You Can Walk 35.1% Faster With One to Two Effortless Changes! We Have The Proof To Show You! (Value $197)

  • Walking Expert, Carla Interview : She shares a lot, but most importantly, Carla shows you how patients can turn off their internal alarm system that keeps your walking stuck! (Value : $197)

  • Walking Experts, Nicole & Amanda - Help You to Define Your Goals & Avoid Pitfalls in the Medical Community - Important! (Value : $197)

  • Walking Expert - Jake Centra - Slower Walking Is Associated With a Higher Risk of Falling. Let's Help You Transform Your Gait Now! (Value : 197)

  • Yoga Specialist - Laura Lundergard Interview - Fitness Made Simple (Value $97)

  • Seated Yoga Stretches For Beginners Part 1 & 2 With Natalie Thomas (Value $57)

  • Walking Expert - Michael Phillip - Physical Therapist Video (Value : $37)

  • Personal Training For Walking Transformation - Interview With 2 Trainers (Value $197)

  • Obtain Access to Our Home Safety Checklist - Samantha, an Occupational Therapist from our team of home safety specialists created this cheat sheet for you - this way you can go through every room in your house and get ideas on how to improve your home set up.

    (value $229)

  • With Your PREMIUM Membership you will have lifetime access to this content. Whatever upgrades or additional content we provide will be yours for FREE! (value $733)

  • Get access to 50 videos from Dan, that on YouTube’s Private Mode! These videos alone can change your walking and balance for the better! (Value $ 497)

  • Important Home Ideas - Stay More Safe With Samantha and Rachel. Common Sense Ideas That Are Often Overlooked (Value : $197)

  • Beat Falls In Your Home - Brittany Ferri, Occupational Therapist Discusses Ideas That Can Change The Way You Look at Your Home (Value : $197)

  • Medical Expert Discusses Walking Transformation - Brittany Ferri

    (Value : $37)

  • Safety Proofing Your Home - Brittany Ferri - One Idea Here Could Stop Your Next Fall! (Value : $67)

  • Many Falls Happen in The Bathroom - Brittany, Medical Professional, Helps You Overcome Obstacles in The Bathroom! (Value : $67)

  • Part 2, Bathroom Safety - One Distinction Here Can Stop a Fall! Brittany Ferri (Value $67)

  • Exclusive To Our Course - Martin Duggan - Physician - Discussing The Surgical Management of Foot Drop & Walking Issues - Is This an Option For You?

    (Value : $87)

  • Exclusive Interview With Dr. Duggan - Surgical Management for Foot Drop and Walking Challenges (Value : $297)

  • Free Access to Our 2 Facebook Communities With Thousands of Members! (Value : $147)

  • Why Choose Yoga Over Other Types Of Exercises (Natalie Thomas) - Reasons Why You Can Get Excited About This Form of Exercise (Value : $37)

  • Exercises for Walking Challenges - Easy Exercises Can Add Up to Big Changes (Value : $97)

  • Stretches for Walking Challenges - Its Not All About Strengthening Your Muscles. Important Video From Amanda (Value : $97)

  • Dangers of Searching For Foot Drop Exercises Online (Dr Berenji) -

    (Value : $37)

  • Important Considerations When Using a Walking Cane - Easy Concepts, But They Can Be Overlooked Without Help

    Value : $57)

  • Important Considerations If You Need to Use a Two Handed Walker - Stay Safe, Jillian RN Can Help! (Value : $57)

  • Bonus! - 8 Testimonials To Remind You What Is Possible For You! (The Gift of Hope = Value is Priceless, But We Add Them In For FREE!)

  • Bonus Offer : One on one virtual visit with Dan! He Can Watch You Walk & Discuss Your Walking Challenges With You! (Value $297)

  • Bonus Material : The Top 10-15 Questions To Ask Yourself, Your Doctor & Your Orthotist! (Value $27)

  • Bonus Content : Access to Daniel's Digital Book & Audio Book That Will Educate You On Walking Improvement! (Value $27)

  • Bonus Content : High Level Overview From An Audiologist, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Yoga Instructors, dieticians, nutritionists, clinical anatomists, Physicians & More To Help You Be More Safe On Your Feet!

    (Value $497)

Conservative Total Value:


Today Just


Glimpses From The Walking Transformation Program

California residents can obtain information about the categories of personal information collected, and the business purposes for which the information is collected, by clicking here. is a website and health information platform that can share with you our many years of past experiences, but we can't miraculously make every person walk perfectly. We can help millions of people to walk better, but not everyone in existence today. We make no claims or representation that by using This information or video presentation and the testimonials and are hereby used for educational and purposes only, they are not intended to incite walking miracles for every user. While they may show real experiences from everyone, their walking results are not typical, and your experience will vary based upon the effort and education you take responsibility for completing.

Rinella Orthotics, Inc - © 2022 All Rights Reserved | 1890 Silver Cross Blvd. #255, New Lenox, IL 60451

California residents can obtain information about the categories of personal information collected, and the business purposes for which the information is collected, by clicking here. is a website and health information platform that can share with you our many years of past experiences, but we can't miraculously make every person walk perfectly. We can help millions of people to walk better, but not everyone in existence today. We make no claims or representation that by using This information or video presentation and the testimonials and are hereby used for educational and purposes only, they are not intended to incite walking miracles for every user. While they may show real experiences from everyone, their walking results are not typical, and your experience will vary based upon the effort and education you take responsibility for completing.

Rinella Orthotics, Inc - © 2022 All Rights Reserved | 1890 Silver Cross Blvd. #255, New Lenox, IL 60451